Sep 28, 2007

The summer lapsed away

As imperceptibly as Grief
The Summer lapsed away-

Too imperceptible at last

To seem like Perfidy-

A Quietness distilled

As Twilight long begun

Or Nature spending with herself

Sequestered Afternoon-

The Dusk drew earlier in-

The Morning foreign shone-

A courteous, yet harrowing Grace,

As Guest, that would be gone-

And thus, without a Wing

Or service of a Keel
Our Summer made her light escape
Into the Beautiful.

Emily Dickinson

Sep 24, 2007

Can't trust that day

I figure it will be September at least by October or thereabouts. I want fall. I don't want fall. My negative vibes toward the A/C actually worked in putting it out of service for a lovely 29 hours or however long it took Robert Repair to come and put it back in proper order, proper cold working order. I started climbing trees again. It is a good way to stay out of the house and hidden in the day warm for long periods of time and to look out for approaching storms and approaching autumns and to pretend heaving ships and rocking cradles. Or to just sit and listen. Most of the time I think about how life is a tightrope and how it is probably best to be barefoot and about how and if I am going to get out of this tree without falling and dying. So far I have every time, but there's always today.

I am practicing not seldomly. The music is not light on my mind. That's litotes if you're interested. It really means I am surely becoming a practicing fiend and hear the Mozart even in my half dreams and somehow it is never the whole rondo through, no, always one section of it over and over and over and over, why? is there a Ceaseless Repeat sign I missed? is there such a thing as a Ceaseless Repeat sign?

Audition in two weeks.

Sep 21, 2007


She was ok with getting glasses, but she didn't want everyone to know she was getting glasses. I guess it was to be another surprise, for us to find out when she went back with mom to pick them up. We know how those surprises go (they don't). After the upsetting shock that everyone knew already wore off, I asked her Weren't you even going to tell me? People tell each other things when they like them; I guess you don't like me much after all, I joked. After a minute she said seriously, "You know what color glasses I got? Red, that's what, now why would I do that for somebody I didn't like?"

Some times you just have to shut up. That was one of them.

perfect match

It's hot outside and I'm cool with that.

Sep 20, 2007

The sky just now

Sorry for not blogging.
good night,

Sep 19, 2007

Not much to cheer about

Last night Philly took the lead in the 10th. We came back with one to tie again so the game went on. and on. and on. and on. I fell half asleep and missed the top of the 12th. Sometime near mid-13th I fell all the way asleep. At 1AM I woke up really confused is it over? am I asleep? what are those voices? and it was and I was and they were reruns of jarring talk show hosts so I somehow got up and somehow turned off the radio and somehow climbed into bed too gone to wonder the outcome; and then there is today when all the news is PHILLIES SCORE THREE IN TOP OF 14th TO OUTLAST THE FLOUNDERING CARDINALS.

We've lost 12 of the last 13 games. There are a few things I don't understand. I don't quite understand why I still stay up late at night and listen to game after game from the floor in the dark even though I am tired. And I don't quite understand why Baseball is so important.

To blog?

No, I haven't died. No, I haven't gone on holiday, I haven't broken my typing finger, I haven't gotten caught in a bear trap while trespassing through the woods. I also haven't blogged.

I'm thinking about amending that last thing at least.

Sep 13, 2007

A dozen excuses

I just don't get how she is blogging during her busy day at work, while I sit at my quiet Home and don't post a thing. But what am I talking about? There are plenty of reasons why I can't write today. Here's what I got so far:

1) it's too beautiful outside to blog
2) it's too beautiful outside to blog
3) it's too beautiful outside to blog
4) it's too beautiful outside to blog
5) it's too beautiful outside to blog
6) it's too beautiful outside to blog
7) it's too beautiful outside to blog
8) it's too beautiful outside to blog
9) it's too beautiful outside to blog
10) the Cards just extended their losing streak to 7 games
11) so if I blog it's bound to something grumpy
12) it's too beautiful outside to blog.

Sep 11, 2007

this day

I have peace.

Sep 10, 2007

oh, bugger

I realized this morning that I will have to share my Piano. Always before my little student stooge sister person was playing - as in playing a fluff sort of playing - and she couldn't have cared when I would wick her away like a fly when I had to play as in PLAY (not that I ever did that or anything) but now she is beginning to feel. Now it is starting to be Real. She is not playing what I prescribe or doing anything I say, no, she is making it up and playing playing playing. I don't know if she got it from me or the super cool Jonathan kid or if it is really just from inside or what but every morning for days she's been doing this and finally today I asked her what do you feel? and she said Cool! never stopping her spontaneous inventing. It does feel pretty cool. It is cool when you are in the moment of discovering all the things you didn't know that you didn't know. Later she said You can play now I think I've got it all out of me. She doesn't know better than that, yet. But at least I got my Spinet back, just for me all mine. for a while.

Out of the blue as a total surprise

The little E-Xchanges that are a great start to any weekend.

"ali issa <> wrote:
From: ali issa <>
Subject: waiting for your reply.
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 08:49:10

FROM MR ALI ISSA. DIRECTOR INCHARGE OF AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING UNIT, Dear friend, I know that this mail will come to you out of the blue as a total surprise. Well, I have a business proposal which I know might interest you. I believe that you would be in a position to assist me in my bid to transfer the sum of ($5.5M) Five Million Five Hundred Thousand USA Dollars into a foreign bank account. So study the following account carefully and reply urgently. I am Mr ALI ISSA, an Auditor of a bank here in BUKINA FASO. During the course of our auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in 1999 and since 2000 nobody has operated on this account.After a lot of investigation I discovered that the owner of the bank account died without a beneficiary.The money is floating and if I do not remit this money out it will be forfeited for nothing. The owner of the account is Mr. Magnus Smith, a foreigner. He died since 2000 and the bank account has no other beneficiary. My investigation proved to me that nobody knows about this account or anything concerning it. So I want to grab this opportunity, as it is no harm to nobody. I am here soliciting for your assistance as aforeigner because the money cannot be approved to anybody here. But It can be approved to a foreigner with valid international passport or drivers license and foreign bank account because the money at sake is in USA Dollars and the former owner of the account is a foreigner. The management must approve this payment to you if you have the correct information of this account, which I will give to you, upon your positive response and once I am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with instruction of key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this project. With my influence and the position of the bank officials, we can transfer this money to any foreigner reliable account, which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending our physical arrival at your end for sharing. Note that an existing foreign bank account or an empty account can serve to receive this money. The banks official will destroy all documents of the transaction immediately this money is into your nominated bank account. At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 20% of the total amount, 75% will be for the bank official and I, while 5% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the course of this transaction. May I stop here. Reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take. Send also your private phone and fax number including the full details of the bank account to used for the deposit. Best regards. Mr ALI ISSA. "

O.W. <> wrote:
These people just don't give up do they?
Burkina Faso my arse....
Wonder if this guy has a band too...

C.W. <> wrote:
Hee hee! "The money is floating..." Best thing ever. Why don't I get these emails? I mean really.

O.W. <> wrote:
My personal favourite line is, "So I want to grab this opportunity, as it is no harm to nobody.

C.W. <> wrote:
I also like the part at the end where he asks rather politely, "May I stop here." Oh, and then "He died since 2000 and the bank account has no other beneficiary." Since 2000? Are you really sure he's been dead the whole time???

O.W. <> wrote:
I just almost peed my pants.

Sep 7, 2007

A Documentary Starring Dinner

Nuff said... 'tis Time To Eat.

good evening to all,


Oh, and later

there was dessert.


Because it's Friday I volunteered to make dinner tonight. "Because it's Friday" because Friday is pizza day and yes pizza is all I know how to make, all right? Whatever.

I think it's Friday

And this time we're all in accordance, the wall and I. It's going to rain today for the third day 1-2-3 days in a row and I like it. The sun is faintly visible for now but it won't be long, the wind is starting up and turning over like an old car and the Hill Visibility Factor is becoming more favorable as we speak. I'm sorry if it seems like I am living for the Rain at the moment but it is unfortunately for you true. I can't stop for that. Did you know that sometimes there are only certain things that can cure certain things, and when happens a time that you are specially needful then SMACK BANG like a thunderbolt it's unexpected and good and there and once that happens even once you develop an attachment to those things one which does not dissolve easily? I did.


a bird? a plane?

When I was a bit sad a couple weeks ago, K gave this to me. I made this for ya. No it's not a dog. I was touched then and didn't ask any questions but I am starting to be a bit troubled now, because I still can't figure out what in God's name it is.

Sep 5, 2007

I think it is Monday, but the calendar says not. Nevertheless I am quite sure of my rightness and will behave accordingly. My first thought when I woke up was It's going to rain! but now that it's gotten lighter and a thin sunlight has started straying in I don't think it will but it might. It did yesterday. Big dark lovely drops that freckled me with cold shivers. After only a little while I came in and changed and put on a lot of clothes to get warm. I like changing clothes in mid day. It is almost like having another whole day just without the hassle of waking up again.
While I am waiting for it to rain today I will just do normal and ordinary things, normal and ordinary things like taking intermittent six mile walks, praying for the Cardinals, and playing Beethoven like a hellion.

Sep 4, 2007

Photos from Labor Day

The Stairs in the Woods, Cuivre River State Park.