Jun 10, 2007

I left my heart on 88 Key Street

She twice invited me to play. Still I would not have, in fear of imposing, timid in that house where everything dwarfed me and I was so easily lost. But I went to see it. The gleaming grand Piano in the towering grand room. And I was more afraid than before. So beautiful. How could I touch that? But I did, I was, I was touching one key - and another - and I sat; and at the Piano I forgot everything I did not want to remember. I am not afraid. I could have played for the Queen on that Piano. Because everything resounding from those strings would be beautiful. Even the wrong notes would fit in and become right.

I only know that it was daylight when I came there, and when I touched a last, perfect note that did not seem mine, the night had fallen and soft lights were lit. Last night I fell in love with a Piano. And it almost seems like the first time that has happened.

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